POH - Hey Ravi thanks for taking the time out of busy schedule to have a catch up. Firstly a bit about you for anyone who doesn't know. Where are you from?
RM -My name is Ravi Mani, 28 years old, born and bred in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.
What inspires and motivates you every day?
RM -The urge to get a little better every single day! To show my son (and future kids) that they can achieve anything with high work ethic.
POH - I love that. It takes a certain individual to be willing and open to expressing their desire to learn, and nothing better than having offspring to keep us on our toes driven.
Do you have a favourite quote? Or, this could be your own…
RM -Whether you think you CAN or you CAN'T, you’re exactly right.
If there was one track that’d be represent you right now, what would that track be and why?
RM -Sideline story - J Cole
What is one value that has stayed with you from growing up to now?
RM -To get respect you have to give it - be respectful to everyone.
Away from work, how's the life balance for someone who might not understand what a day in the life of someone like yourself might look like?
RM - Unsure how to answer this one haha
POH - I will note, you're in constant motion and are actively doing something whether it be spending time with family, creating, or training, I think you've got a great balance on life my man.
Biggest brands/ people you draw inspiration from?
RM - I Love Ugly, Aime Leon Dorē.
Future plans (without giving too much away) what are you looking forward to for the year? (I’m big on visualisation and manifestation, let’s throw it out there to attract that energy!)
RM - I’m looking forward to watching my clothing brand grow (Cozy Boyz). I’m a student of the game, but I’m learning heaps from the people around me, learning on the fly and rolling with what comes my way.
The highs and the lows are what make this journey so exciting, another quote to back up this mentality “you can’t control the waves, but you can learn how to surf”.
POH - I love that. I'm going to use that quote!
And lastly, what brings you happiness?
RM - Time with family and friends . Basketball & Training.
POH - Beautiful man. It's a blessing see your growth and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and your family, all I know is it's bright! Thank you for your time bro.